Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Are Revisions so Difficult?

Seriously? Writing the first draft is always easy. I can churn out an 90,000 word first draft in about three weeks. There is a certain measure of satisfaction I feel every time I write those two delightful words: The End. But really, it isn't the end. It is the begining of the dreaded revisions.

What's even worse about it is that I actually find revisions fun. Honest. I love reading through and making a novel as perfect as I can. But for some reason it takes an act of God to get me to start on them. Why? This is where I am now with my new book. I think that the reason I am finding it so hard to start the revisions (I finished the first draft on Sunday) is because part of my mind els the book should be finished as soon as I write the words "The End". I'll work through it, it just always takes a moment for my rebellions subconscious to get over it. Just a matter of kicking my own ass, I guess ;)

Time to stop procrastinating and get revising. Hopefully I'll have this new manuscript polished by the end of next week. Woohoo!!! Have a wonderful wednesday

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